# Daughters - Number of daughters that contributed to a genetic evaluation
# Fat - DHIR reported pounds of fat produced
# Herds - Number of herds containing daughters that have contributed to a genetic evaluation
# Milk - DHIR reported pounds of milk produced
# Pro - DHIR reported pounds of protein produced
% Fat - DHIR reported percent butterfat produced
% Pro - DHIR reported percent protein produced
A - Acceptable, 70% to 79% of the ideal
Age - Animal’s reported age for record
Avg Dau Production - Average lbs of milk per daughter
Avg Dau Score - Average score of daughters
Avg Lact per Dau - Average number of lactations per daughter
BC - Body Capacity
Buck Collection Report - This form is required to be sent to ADGA for all bucks collected. Offspring resulting from the use of such semen will not be registered if this form is not on file with ADGA.
Buck Type Evaluation - Evaluates individual type traits, by way of the linear appraisal system, that affect structural and functional durability. This evaluation enables a breeder to take full advantage of the potential for genetic improvement through selection.
Buck Yield Evaluation - Evaluate individual production traits using information from DHI milk testing as they are reported on herds with daughters of that buck.
Cane - Aluminum canes are for securing and storing goblets of frozen semen. Designed to hold 2 vertically stacked goblets.
Cane Code - Each buck is labeled with a unique cane code. This code is how semen is identified.
DNA: DQ - Dam Qualified
DNA: ID - Individual Typing
DNA: PQ - Parent Qualified
DNA: SQ - Sire Qualified
DOB - Buck’s date of birth
DS - Dairy Strength
E - Excellent, at least 90% of the ideal
ETA/Estimated Transmitting Ability - An average of the PTI’s of the sire and dam which are used as predictors of the genetic potential of the resulting offspring. ETA’s are weighted to favor production in the ratio of 2:1, and type in the ratio of 1:2.
F - Fair, 60% to 69% of the ideal
FS - Final Score
G - Good Plus, 80% to 84% of the ideal
GA - General Appearance
Goblet - High density polyethylene cylinder that holds five 1/2cc straws. Two goblets fit on a cane.
LA - ADGA official Linear Appraisal score
M - Mammary
Motility - Semen motility is calculated by evaluating the percentage of spermatozoa with forward movement in a sample ejaculate.
P - Poor, 59% or less than the ideal
Post Thaw Motility - A test that assesses how well the semen survived cryopreservation (freezing)
Progressive Motility - Refers to sperm that are swimming in a mostly straight line or large circles and how fast they are moving. Progressive motility is needed in order for the sperm to swim their way up the female productive tract.
PTA/Predicted Transmitting Ability - The genetic evaluation for a specific trait using information from DHI milk testing and/or ADGA Linear Appraisal programs for each production/type trait based on progeny data. PTA’s are generated for each of the available components for DHI being milk production, butterfat and protein. The type components from Linear Appraisal are each of the thirteen linear traits and the final score. PTA’s compare the genetic value of animals to each other within their gender and breed.
PTI/Production Type Index - The genetic evaluation for production and type combined, as compared to animals of the same gender and breed. Values are derived from the PTA for Linear Appraisal final scores and energy corrected milk which is generated from the PTA’s for butterfat, protein and milk production. PTI’s are weighted to favor production in the ratio of 2:1, and type in the ratio of 1:2.
REG # - Buck’s registration number
% Reliability - The accuracy of the PTA genetic evaluation expressed as a percentage. The more female offspring evaluated per buck, and the more herds in which they reside, the higher the reliability. The higher the reliability percentage, the more accurate the proof, and the less susceptible it is to large changes when new information is added.
Straw - What semen is stored in. It should be printed with the name of the processor, the name of the buck, his registration number and the date of collection.
Unit - 5 straws
V - Very Good, 85% to 89% of the ideal